Aug 26, 2010

Fabulous Felines Swatches


i took a few more pics. will upload when I get home! I ended up buying Bloodline and Lithe pigments and Royal Heir and Treat Me Nice superslick liners. Will be getting more of these! The gold is BEAUTIFUL! Also picked up Rain of Flowers nail polish. More to come!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.2

Aug 16, 2010

Leopard Holo NOTD


Here is my latest Konading adventure, also involving a China Glaze holo from the OMG collection - LOL (dark purple holographic polish - it's sooo pretty!!) and plate M57 again with the black special polish.

I love the look of this mani but I find a lot of the holos lose much of their holo-ness with topcoats, so next time I am going to try only using one on top of the konad design (I usually paint one coat over the base polish). I also tried out a treatment called Repair by the same brand that makes Seche Vite and I think it might have contributed to some of the problems I had. Ah well, it's a work in progress!!

And Look! It matches my phone case!

Bejazzled office supplies FTW!


So I got this for free at my Sallys with the purchase of two hair products (stocked up on dry shampoo). No one in the clinic will be able to mistake my calculator! LOVE IT!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.2

Aug 15, 2010

Holo zebra!


Here is attempt #2 with the Konad. Using China Glaze's OMG and Konad black special polish and plate M57 again (This is my favorite plate, I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of use out of it and I highly recommend it!) This picture is taken after 3 days wear and fussing so there are quite a few chips but I am obsessed with this combo. The China Glaze Holos are amazing -- I was able to get a few on a whim. A very sweet selling on the MAC livejournal community had one listed - QT. I said I was interested, but she was selling it for $5 and wanted a min sale of $10, so I asked if she would sell it alone or if she had any others she would sell - to my surprise she said she would sell me OMG (silver holo - very htf), QT (dark pink holo), 2NITE (light blue holo) and LOL (dark purple holo and my next mani). I didn't hesitate for a second! I've also ordered 5 more from another LJ sale - I will record a nail haul when I receive these.
Still looking for BFF and DV8 if anyone is willing to sell those!!
Here are pics of OMG on my fingers and QT on my toes (with stars done using Konad M03 and special white polish)

Aug 12, 2010

First Konadicure


So in short, my first attempt at Konad was an epic fail. Partly due to my impatience, partly due to the fact that it is not as easy as it looks!
I initially attempted to do a lime green with black zebra. I was using Finger Paints' 'Guggen I'm Lime', Konad Black Special Polish and Plate M57. First of all, the Lime base was quite thin and required SEVERAL coats. I wasn't patient enough and when I went to stamp, the whole nail base basically slid right off. So I decided to try a different green, using OPI's Who The Shrek Are You? Again, not patient enough.

So I took a break and baked some yummy rainbow cupcakes for my boss' birthday. Then it
was back to my nails while watching Teen Mom (so addicted to this show!!)

This was the result, using China Glaze's For Audrey, Konad white Special Polish, plate M57 (this time the fishnet pattern). I then added some flowers from another plate and a cat from one of the Coraline plates.

The big problem was that in my frustration, I was too lazy to really clean the edges, so there is still some green residue around the nails. It takes some practice, that's for sure! Going to try to do Zebra again tonight, this time over China Glaze's OMG (just got it in the mail! Will be recording a nail polish haul video in the next few days, just waiting for one more package to arrive!)

I do really like the cat though :)
This picture really shows how much of a mess my nails are! Stay tuned for Day #2!

Aug 8, 2010

NOTD: August 8th 2010


Here is my NOTD (or for a few days, I'm not motivated enough to change it everyday!)
OPI's Here Today, Aragon Tomorrow

No Flash:

LOVE this colour! Looks gorgeous with a clear topcoat too! It's just too bad that the Suede finishes don't last as long as normal polishes!

New me, new blog


Hi everyone! This is (obviously) my first entry in the new blog. I have decided I want to change my online persona.

In case you don't know who I am, I typically post things under the user name macpixie55. My reasoning for changing it is that I don't want to be a walking label for a company. I don't even buy clothes that slap the brand name across the front as I think it's typically tacky. Also, I feel I have outgrown that personality and I want to sort of re-invent myself. I have finished my bachelor's degree, I'm back living at home and figuring out what I want to do and who I want to be. It's time for changes and this is the first step in that direction.

I'd love to hear people's comments and have some interaction with the other peeps on the interwebs. Please comment here, follow me on twitter (still macpixie55, will update if I chose to change that), my user name on Specktra is MACPixie, macpixie55 on livejournal etc etc. Good old fashioned email works too - shoot me a message at
